A study on the user experience of using VR/AR technology in museums[关于博物馆中使用VR/AR技术的用户体验的研究]

Hello everyone, thank you so much for participating in this research. I am a current MA student at Loughborough University. The aim of this questionnaire is to find out how visitors experience VR/AR technology in museums, to uncover the problems that users encounter during their experience and to score the experience from different perspectives. Please be assured that the questionnaire will be completely anonymous and that the research data is subject to data protection regulations and will be retained until October 2022.

You can choose according to your own innermost thoughts and I hope that your active participation in this questionnaire will be of great help to me, thank you very much!



Informed Consent Section知情同意部分

The purpose and details of this study have been explained to me.这项研究的目的和细节已经向我解释过了。

I understand that this study is designed to further scientific knowledge and that all procedures have received a favourable decision from the Loughborough University Ethics Review Sub-Committee.据我所知,这项研究旨在促进科学知识,所有程序都得到了拉夫堡大学伦理审查小组委员会的有利决定。

I have read and understood the information sheet and this consent form.我已阅读并理解信息表和本同意书。

I have had an opportunity to ask questions about my participation.我有机会询问有关我参与的问题。

I understand that taking part in the survey is anonymous, only non-identifying demographic information will be collected, e.g. gender.我了解参与调查是匿名的,只会收集非识别性的人口统计信息,例如性别。

I understand that I am under no obligation to take part in the study and can withdraw during the survey by closing the browser but will not be able to withdraw once my responses have been submitted.我了解我没有义务参加研究,并且可以在调查期间通过关闭浏览器退出,但一旦我的回复被提交,将无法撤回。

I understand that information I provide will be used for the student’s dissertation.我知道我提供的信息将用于学生的论文。

I voluntarily agree to take part in this study. 我自愿同意参加这项研究。

1. What is your age? 您的年龄是多少?
A. 18-25
B. 26-30
C. 31-35
D. 36-40
E. 41-45
F. 46-50
G. 50 or over[50或以上]
2.Your main reasons for visiting museums[您参观博物馆的主要原因]
A. Hobby [兴趣爱好]
B. To learn about it [学习相关知识]
C. An option for a trip with friends [和朋友出游的一个选择]
D. Attractions for a tour group [旅游团的景点]
E. Company/school requirement [公司/学校要求]
F. Other[其他] _______________ (required field[需填写])
3. Which way do you prefer to visit a museum?[您更喜欢哪种方式参观博物馆?]
A. Traditional form of visit (with a combination of text and exhibits) [传统的参观形式(以文字和展品相结合的方式)]
B. AR/VR combined with the museum[AR/VR与博物馆相结合的形式]
4.Have you ever experienced VR and AR programs in a museum?[ 您是否体验过博物馆内的VR和AR项目?]
A. Yes[有]
B. No[没有]
5.What are the reasons why you are satisfied with the VR/AR equipment in the museum?[ 您对博物馆的VR/AR设备感到满意的原因是什么?]
A. High level of interactivity[高度的互动性]
B. enhanced immersion[增强了沉浸感]
C. novel and interesting[新颖、有趣]
D. easy to understand[易于理解]
E. Good quality of the equipment[设备质量好]
F. Other[其他] _______________(required[需填写])
6. In what aspects do you think these VR and AR projects are not doing well?[ 你认为这些VR和AR项目在哪些方面做得不够好?]
A. The equipment technology is not perfect[设备技术不完善]
B. Difficult to operate[操作难度大]
C. Poor integration with museum content[与博物馆内容结合不紧密]
D. Damaged or out of use equipment[设备损坏或停用]
E. Lack of interactivity or interest[缺乏互动性或趣味]
F. Other[其他] _______________(required[需填写])
7. Do you visit museums online?[您是否在网上参观博物馆?] 
8. In what way did you visit the museum online during Covid-19?[ Covid-19期间,您是以何种方式参观网上博物馆的?]
A. official museum websites and APPs[博物馆官方网站和APP]
B. short videos and other APPs[短视频和其他APP]
C. YouTube or other social media sites[YouTube或其他社交媒体网站]
9. Did you use the museum's VR/AR equipment online (e.g. VR digital galleries, AR smart tours, etc.)?[ 您是否在网上使用博物馆的VR/AR设备(如VR数字展厅、AR智能导览等)?]
A. Yes [是]
B. No[否]
10. I expect museums to use AR/VR technology[我期望博物馆运用AR/VR技术]
A. Strongly disagree [非常不同意]
B. Disagree [不同意]
C. Generally [一般]
D. Agree [同意]
E. Strongly agree[非常同意]
11. If there was a museum that used AR/VR technology to display collections, I would be willing to try it[如果有一个博物馆使用AR/VR技术来展示藏品,我很愿意去尝试]
A. Strongly disagree [非常不同意]
B. Disagree [不同意]
C. Generally [一般]
D. Agree [同意]
E. Strongly agree[非常同意]
12. The AR/VR technology used by the museum during my visit satisfied my curiosity[参观时博物馆运用的AR/VR技术满足了我的好奇心]
A. Strongly disagree [非常不同意]
B. Disagree [不同意]
C. Generally [一般]
D. Agree [同意]
E. Strongly agree[非常同意]
13. The AR/VR technology used in the museum during my visit made me feel very happy[参观时博物馆运用的AR/VR技术让我觉得非常愉悦]
A. Strongly disagree [非常不同意]
B. Disagree [不同意]
C. Generally [一般]
D. Agree [同意]
E. Strongly agree[非常同意]
14. The AR/VR technology used in the museum helped me to concentrate more when viewing the exhibition[博物馆运用的AR/VR技术能够让我观看展览时更加专注]
A. Strongly disagree [非常不同意]
B. Disagree [不同意]
C. Generally [一般]
D. Agree [同意]
E. Strongly agree[非常同意]
15. I think the museum's use of AR/VR technology would have helped me understand the exhibits better[我认为博物馆使用AR/VR技术能够更加帮助我了解展品内容]
A. Strongly disagree [非常不同意]
B. Disagree [不同意]
C. Generally [一般]
D. Agree [同意]
E. Strongly agree[非常同意]
16. I am more impressed with what I have visited after visiting a museum using AR/VR technology[我在使用了AR/VR技术参观博物馆后,对参观过的内容印象更加深刻]
A. Strongly disagree [非常不同意]
B. Disagree [不同意]
C. Generally [一般]
D. Agree [同意]
E. Strongly agree[非常同意]
17. I think that the use of AR/VR technology in museums allows me to interact more with the exhibits[我认为博物馆使用AR/VR技术,能够让我与展品有更多的互动]
A. Strongly disagree [非常不同意]
B. Disagree [不同意]
C. Generally [一般]
D. Agree [同意]
E. Strongly agree[非常同意]
18. I would visit again and recommend a museum that uses AR/VR technology to others[我愿意再次参观并向他人推荐运用了AR/VR技术的博物馆]
A. Strongly disagree [非常不同意]
B. Disagree [不同意]
C. Generally [一般]
D. Agree [同意]
E. Strongly agree[非常同意]
19. If you were to visit a digital museum based on AR-VR technology, which aspects would you like to enhance and optimise?[ 如果您要参观一个基于AR-VR技术的数字博物馆,你希望加强和优化哪些方面?]
A. Screen presentation[画面呈现]
B. Performance optimisation (no lag)[性能优化(无滞后)]
C. Ease of use[使用的便捷性]
D. Inclusion of online and offline content[包含线上和线下的内容]
E. Increased interaction[增加互动]
F. Increased storytelling presentation[增加故事性的呈现]
G. Other additions [其他增加的内容]_______________(required)[ (需填写)]
20. Which AR/VR device do you prefer to use for your visit?[你喜欢使用哪种AR/VR设备进行参观?]
A. Head-mounted device[头戴式设备]
B. Mobile devices (e.g. mobile phones, tablets, etc.)[移动设备(如手机、平板电脑等)]
21. Do you feel physically uncomfortable when using AR/VR equipment during your visit? [你是否在参观时使用AR/VR设备时,身体会感到不适?]
A. Yes[是]
B. No[.否]
22. What do you think are the adverse reactions when you use AR/VR equipment during your visit?[你认为在参观时使用AR/VR设备时,身体会有哪些不良反应?]
A. Dizziness[头晕]
B. Eye discomfort[眼部不适]
C. Ear discomfort[耳朵不适]
D. Other其他 _______________(required)[需填写]
23. What are your suggestions for VR/AR devices in museums?[ 您对博物馆的VR/AR设备有什么建议?]

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