The Bad Guys Episode 1 Chapter 1 Reading Comprehension

Read chapter 1 and choose the best answer for the following questions.
What kind of teeth did Mr Wolf have?
Big and pointy.
Small and soft.
Yellow and big.
He had no teeth.
Where did Mr Wolf live?
In a jail.
In a forest.
In the woods.
In the ocean.
What did Mr Wolf enjoy doing?
He enjoyed singing.
He enjoyed taking a shower.
He enjoyed dressing up like an old lady.
He enjoyed being a bad guy.
What was Mr Wolf trying to do?
Doing his homework.
Showing that he was a good guy.
Singing a song.
Showing that he was a bad guy.
When something or someone is misunderstood, it is _____.
Very smelly.
The same as what we thought to be.
Nice to eat.
Different to what we thought to be.
Wolves are a type of_______
What‘s your name?

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