您的年龄是?How old are you
22岁到30岁 22-30
30到40岁 30-40
40岁以上 over40
您的性别是? Your gender
男 male
女 female
其他 others
本公司招聘旺季是什么时候 When is the recruitment month in your company (例:8月 e.g.August)
本公司的面试场所在哪?(多选) Where is the interview venue of this company
公司内 company
咖啡厅 café
线上会议面试 Online meeting interview
电话面试 phone interview
本公司的面试时通常有多少面试官在场?How many interviewers are usually present at an interview in this company? (例:3个 e.g. 3)
本公司面试的环节有哪些? What are the interview procedures in this company? (例:第一步:面谈 第二步:才艺展示...... e.g. Step 1: Interview Step 2: Talent show)
本公司在进行面试时的问题通常有多少?How many interview questions does the company usually ask? (例:10个 e.g. 10)
本公司会从哪些维度来得到面试者的真实信息?What Characteristics or skills does the company ask about to get the true information about the candidate? (例:职业认知、工作能力...... e.g.Professional cognition 、 working ability)