
为了更好地为您的健康服务,请花几分钟填写下表,谢谢! To serve your health better, please take a few minutes to fill out the following form, thank you ~
姓名 Name
性别 Gender
男 Male
女 Female
年龄 Age
联系方式 Mobil
请问您从哪里了解到少林中心有禅武医调理?How do you know here?
目前身体不适的症状与调理诉求 Symptoms of current physical discomfort
其他您希望师父提前了解的身体情况,例如手术、外伤、慢性病等  Other physical conditions that you would like shifu to know in advance, such as surgery, trauma, chronic diseases, etc
您使用过以下哪种养生方式 Which of the following health regimen have you used?
推拿 massage
正骨 bonesetting
针灸 acupuncture
艾灸 moxibustion
其他 others
平时运动锻炼项目?频次如何?What do you do for physical exercise?frequency?

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