香皂市场调查 Soap Market Survey

您今年多大How old are you?
a. 10-18
b. 18-25
c. 25-30
d. 30-35
e. 35-40
f. 40-45
g. 45-50
h. 50+
2. 您性别 Your genda
a. 女性 Female
b. 男性 Male
3. 您的月收入What is your monthly income?
5000以下under 5000RMB
4. 您用过手工皂吗?Have you ever used handmade soap?
b.没有用过 No
5. 通常您一次会买多少块香皂How many soaps would you like to buy in one time?
a. 1
b. 2-5
c. 5+
6. 您会线上还是线下买?Do you buy soap online or offline?
a. 线上Online
b. 线下Offline
7. 如果您线上买,您最关注的的三个点是什么?If you buy soap online, what are some things you pay attention to ? Choose you top 3 answers.
a. 时效Time of arrival
b. 成本Extra costs
c. 质量Quality of product (dupe/fake)
d. 退货Refund policy
8. 如果您购买手工皂,您会关注什么点,请选择最关注的三个点What are top three qualities do you look for in a (handmade) soap?
a. 香味Smell
b. 清洁功能Cleaning function
c. 保湿功能Moisturizing function
d. 美白功能Whitening function
e. 自然成分Natural ingredients
f. 品牌Brand
g. 安全Safety
9. 您愿意为每块肥皂支付多少钱?How much would you pay for soap?
a. 0-3RMB
b. 3-10RMB
c. 10-20RMB
d. 20-50RMB
e. 50-80RMB
f. 80-150RMB
g. 150+
10. 什么原因会让您为香皂支付更高的价钱?请选择三个原因。What factors would motivate you to pay higher for a soap? Choose the top three factors.
a. 自然成份Natural ingredients
b. 手工制作Handmade
c. 香味Scent
d. 设计外观Design/look
e. 品牌故事Brand story
f. 没有
11. 您听说过甘肃藏区的央珂玛公司吗?Have you heard of Yakma, a social enterprise based in Gansu Tibet area?
a. 听说过Yes
b. 没听说过No
12. 央珂玛是在甘肃藏区一家企业,通过培训让藏族留守妇女制作手工耗牛奶香皂。得知这个信息,您会愿意购买她的香皂吗Yakma is a handmade soap social enterprise that empowers left-behind women in Gansu Tibet area, China by providing them training & employment. Knowing that, how much are you willing to pay for a bar of soap now?
a. 不愿意 No willingness
b. 有一点 Some willingness
c. 愿意 Yes
d. 非常愿意 Very much willing
如果您想为藏区留守妇女捐款,你会捐多少?If you would like to make donations how much are you considering?
10-20 RMB
您会自己或向朋友推荐央珂玛香皂吗Will you buy or recommend other to buy Yakma soap (多选)
我朋友My friend
我同学 My classmate
我家里人 My family
我客户 My client
我同事 My coworkers

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