Meeting with the visiting team

Welcome to share your understandings with us!!!

How to divide and cooperate between Chinese and English teachers?

在探究活动中如何对孩子的学习进行 评估?

How can children's learning be assessed during the process of inquiry?

什么是ATL& ATT?如何运用? What is ATL? How to use it?
有什么方式了解时事新闻?说一说你 对国际情怀的理解?如何培养和发展学 生的国际情怀?

Is there any way to keep up with current events around the world? What is your understanding of international mindedness? How to cultivate and develop students' international mindedness?

如何引导学生采取行动?他们做了哪 些行动?

How to guide students to take action? What actions did students take?

如何记录、评估孩子的户外活动? How to record and evaluate children's outdoor activities?
对于学校你有什么期望和建议? 或者,请每位老师给出一个学校的亮点 和不足?

What are your expectations and suggestions for the school?

Or, each teacher give a school's highlights and weaknesses?

对于PYP教学的各项工作压力,你们 是什么状态,是否能坚持?

What is your state of working pressure in PYP teaching and can you stick to it?

教师是如何进行协作备课的?会有集 体备课吗?多久一次?都有谁参加?协 调员会参加吗?

Will there be collaborative planning?

How often? Who was there? Will the coordinator attend?


What is your understanding of the PYP?

 如何教授数学?有什么教具支持数 学?

How do you teach ‘math’?

What materials are available to support teaching math?

对于学校的语言政策和评估政策, 平时你都是如何运用的?或者对你的教 学有哪些指导意义?

How do you usually implement the language policy and assessment

policy of the school? Or how does it guide your teaching?

你是如何教授UOI的?如何进行UOI 备课的?

How do you teach UOI?

How to prepare for UOI lessons?

关于概念驱动的问题,你们课堂上 常用的是哪一些?会怎样提问?

What concept-driven questions do you often use in your class? How would you ask?



How do teachers implement teaching relfection?


PYP课程框架? 课程特点?The PYP curriculum framework includes? What are the four features of the PYP curriculum?
学生的反思是如何进行的?能够如 何帮助学生进步?

How does the student's reflection work? What can be done to help students improve?

书面报告(期末评估或者UOI report)出来后,你是如何下一阶段的 教学?

After the written report (final assessment or UOI Report), how do you proceed to the next stage of teaching?


Do students understand their own learning process? Do they know they are learning?


Does the kindergarten support teacher training?

有没有全园性的会议? Is there a faculty meeting?
关于学生能动性的一些例子? How to support students’ agency?
说说你对差异化教学的理解? What is your understanding of differentiated teaching?
幼儿园是否有支持教学的足够资 源?

Does the kindergarten have sufficient resources to support teaching?

你的教龄时间是?你在教学中如何 帮助学生?

How long have you been teaching? How do you help students in your teaching?

说一说如何发展学生的批判性思维 和创造性思维能力?

How to develop students' critical and creative thinking skills?

平时你是如何使用范围与顺序的? How do you usually use 《scope and order》?
你们在进行POI探究单元回顾的时 候,过程是怎样的?给我们描述一下? How did teachers review and reflect the POI inquiry unit?
协调员会去听你们的课吗?协调员 给你提供了哪些帮助?

Is the coordinator going to observe your class? What help did the coordinator give you?

你们有没有跟学生进行学习目标设 定?及其他方面的目标设定?设定是怎 么形成的?

Do you set learning goals with your

students? And other goal setting? How did the setting come about?

学校开会、年级组开会前是否给出 开会明确议程?有没有会议记录?有存 档吗?

Does the school and grade group have a clear agenda before the meeting? Are there any minutes of the meeting? Is it on file?

你参加过IB官方培训吗?那个主题 的?参加完培训你都有哪些收获?以后 还有哪些地方需要发展?

Have you attended any official IB training? On what subject? What have you learned from the training? What

else needs to be developed in the future?

说一说你们的课程表,每轮UOI有 足够的教学时间吗?

Talking about your class schedule, is there enough teaching time for each round at UOI?

学生的成⻓档案是如何生成的? How are student portfolio generated?
如果你们要为探究单元进行资源的 配置,那么你们是怎么决定买什么、买 多少,这个过程是怎样的呢?

If you are allocating resources for a unit of inquiry, how do you decide

what to buy, how much to buy, and what is the process?

老师们以前有哪些不在/在IBPYP学 校工作过呢?分享一下在PYP学校工作 和不在PYP学校工作,有哪些区别呢? Which of the teachers have not worked in IB PYP schools before? What are the differences between

working in a PYP school and not working in a PYP school?

学校有什么文件帮忙梳理教学和探 究课的融合?

What s does the school have to help sort out the integration of teaching and inquiry?

是否有与其他的IB学校老师进行交 流学习?

41. Are there exchanges with other IB teachers?

 班级教学环境如何呈现UOI 活动? How does the classroom environment present UOI activities?
说一说你对玩中学、学中玩的看 法?

What do you think of play-based learning?

家⻓会不会参与探究活动?在探究 活动中是如何支持教师的?

Will parents participate in the exploratory activities? How are teachers supported in inquiry activities?

在回顾比较《小学项目的实施标准 与要求》的过程中,你们有没有参与, 怎么参与的,描述一下过程?

In reviewing and comparing the process of《standard and practice》,

how did you participate? Describe the process?

如何进行POI的横向和纵向的计划制 定?

How to make horizontal and vertical plans for the curriculum?

有参加过PYP相关培训吗?你们有什么变 化呢?

Have you ever participated in IB official training? Any changes after the training?


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