观影者对于电影革新化的调查Moviegoers survey of cinematic innovation


In today's rapid development of film technology, a variety of innovative technologies are applied to films, and this questionnaire will collect the public's views on the upgrading of films.


You feel that you are more traditional or avant-garde

我更偏向于传统 I prefer tradition
我更觉得自己是一个前卫的人 I feel more like an avant-garde person
您平时是否接触过新形式电影【例如VR电影以及4D电影等】 Have you been seen new forms of films [e.g. VR movies, 4D movies, etc.]
有过 YES
听过但没体验过 Ive heard it but havent experienced it
没有 No

Do you prefer new forms of film over traditional films?

是的我更喜欢新式电影 Yes I prefer new form movies
不我更倾向于传统电影 No, I prefer traditional movies

Do you think that new forms of films have been popularized in China and abroad?

是的 Yes,it’s popular
不是 No its not popular among world
我觉得现阶段电影没有不足之处What are your thoughts on traditional films at this stage?
我希望能做出改变来改善观影体验【请写下您的想法】I hope to make changes to improve the movie-going experience [please write your thoughts]

If you become a filmmaker, you'll choose which film to make

黑白胶片电影 Black and white films
现阶段传统电影如2D 3D数码电影At this stage, traditional films such as 2D 3D digital films
VR电影及在3D基础上增加嗅觉,触感的新形式电影VR movies and new forms of movies that add smell and touch on the basis of 3D
其他 others

Do you think that film as a carrier of art needs to be updated?

不我觉得没必要,电影就像绘画一样传统,不需要更新I dont think its necessary, movies are as traditional as paintings and dont need to be updated
我觉得需要,当电影有了新载体后会比传统电影更具吸引力I think it needs to be more attractive when the film has a new carrier than the traditional film
我觉得以上都不全面:I dont think the above is comprehensive:

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