Meeting with teachers-Inquiry extension teachers

Welcome to share your understandings with us!

Do you participate in the collaborative planning? How often? How to integrate with UOI inquiry activities?


Please tell an example from your class that demonstrates how the "Inquiry Extension" is connected to the UOI.

协调员是否会来听课?是否给予支持? Will the PYPC come to observe the class? Did you get any support?
在实施与PYP结合的课程中,是否遇到一些挑战?你都是怎么解决的? Are there any challenges in implementing the curriculum integrated with PYP? How did you do it?
说一说你如何使用范围和顺序来制定教案?举一个例子。Please provide an example of how you use Scope and Sequence to plan your lessons

How did you resolve the objectives(from scope and sequences) that were not integrated within a unit of inquiry?


6题 | 被引用0次
