关于手机无线充电器和有线充电器的用户体验调查问卷 An investigation on user experience about wirelesswired charger.

您好,这是一个关于对无线充电器和有线充电器的用户体验的调查问卷。整个问卷只有5道题,可能会花费您3~5分钟完成问卷,您的一切回答将会全部保密, 数据只会用于学术论文研究。感谢您的参与! Hello, this questionnaire will investigate your experience about using wireless or wired charger.There are only five questions in the questionnaire, and it might takes your 3-5 minutes to complete this. All the information you fill in will be confidential,and these will only be used in a academic dissertation.Thanks for your cooperation!
18岁及18岁以下 18years old and under
19岁到35岁 19years old-35years old
36岁-60岁 36years old-60years old
60岁以上 above 60 years old
您正在使用的手机充电器 The charger you used for mobile phone currently.
有线充电器 wired charger
无线充电器 wireless charger
您认为有线充电器的优点和缺点(可以多选可以单选)The advantage or disadvantage that wired charger has.
充电速度快 Charging rapidly
充电稳定(不容易中途停止充电) Charging stably
便于携带 portable
容易发热 easy to heat
使用寿命太短 short life
不便于携带 not portable
您认为无线充电器的优点和缺点(可单选或者多选) The advantage or disadvantage that wireless charger has.
便于携带 portable
充电速度快 fast charging speed
安全性高 high safety
容易接触不良导致断电 easy to poor conduct resulting in power failure
容易发热 easy to heat
充电太慢 low speed of charging
(可选填) 您认为有线充电器或者无线充电器的发展前景是什么,有哪些可以改进的地方 What do you think the future of wireless chargers or wired chargers will be like,and what can be improved?

5题 | 被引用0次
