
已知 byte A=(byte)0x7F, byte B=(byte)0x80, byte C=(byte)(A/3),byte D=(byte)(B/3), 请问变量C和D打印出来结果分别是多少?


(1)short s1 = 1; s1 = s1 + 1; 

(2)short s1 = 1; s1 += 1;

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将字符串abcdefg反转,要求不能使用stringBuffer 的 reverse() 方法,写出代码
Master File (MF)is unique mandatory file containing access conditions and optionally DFs and/or EFs. A Dedicated File (DF) allows for a functional grouping of files. It can be the parent of DFs and/or EFs. DFs are referenced by file identifiers. An Application DF (ADF) is a particular DF that contains all the DFs and EFs of an application. An Elementary File (EF)is a file containing access conditions and data and no other files.

Selecting a DF, an ADF or the MF sets the current directory. After such a selection there is no current EF. Selecting an EF sets the current EF and the current directory remains the DF, ADF or MF, which is the parent of this EF. The current EF is always a child of the current directory. Only the ADF of the current application can be selected by FID.

Any application specific command shall only be operable if it is specific to the Current Directory. The following files may be selected, by File Identifier(FID) referencing, from the last selected file:

Any file which is an immediate child of the current directory :

Any DF which is an immediate child of the parent of the current DF

The parent of the current directory

The current DF

The ADF of the current active application

The MF

The figure below is an Example of a logical structure


According to the figure above, please give the valid selections when the Last selected file is MF, DF4, and EF4?


MF: __ADF1, DF1, EF1, EF-DIR__________

DF4: __MF, ADF1, DF3, EF5, EF6_________

EF4: __MF, ADF1, DF3, DF4, DF5_________


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