ICAPS cluster 1 good catcher vote( July)

背景:请您选择最有价值的finding(每人可以选择2~6个)。我们会根据您投票,筛选出3名good catcher。



2)Action的有效性 (主要)



其他:如果您有其他good catcher提名(如good behavior),请描述在第3项中。

Finding: Herringbone ladder not down when not use and no barricadedAction: Put away down herringbone ladder and barricaded
Finding: IPA bottle neck broken ,may cause IPA leakageAction: informed customer and the customer have changed the IPA bottle
Finding: Customer vendor open floor in our work area without informed us. And close floor without tightened screw. Especially , some floors cut by customer have a big gap, so no screw tighten floor may cause a Falling.Action: Ask customer vendor to inform us when need open floor in our work area and tighten one screw at least after closed floor
Finding: Facility interface where under 2 floors, customer engineer open it do facility water and gas inspect, but they not placed barricade to keep safe for other workers or themselvesAction: Notice and take enough barricades immediately to isolate work area, information customer potential risk of floor hazards
Finding: MDP B00555 CH4 customer PM, but no take the LOTO.Action: communicate with customer and correct the LOTO, and inform section Mgr, and will highlight in monthly meeting
Finding: PM vendor not return the IPA bottle to the IPA cabinet timely after usedAction: Ask PM vendor return the IPA bottle timely
Finding: customer OHT team was installing OHT track also put a closed barricade area. But customer engineer break off barricade connection prepare to go directly through the vendor work areaAction: Stop customer engineer through hazardous area immediately and notice customer potential risks and safety awareness
Finding: customer 3rd party vendor did not take well on safety glass during his working, hang it on the headAction: remind him, always take very well safety glass all the time during working. then he take safety glass well.
Finding: CanSemi facility engineers do not use barricade when open floor in EPI03 Action: inform using barricade to cover open floor area
Finding: screw driver on the loadportAction: put it in the tool box
Finding: There is no fence around the herringbone ladderAction: Put it down and barricaded surround it
Finding: The emergency escape indicator arrow equipment on the customer floor is damaged, there is a risk of falling to 2F, and it also may cause trip accident, and the barricading is not set-up properly.Action: Contact the customer and their EHS, ask them to do proper barricading and recover the emergency escape indicator arrow equipment asap
Finding: wipes lost on floor after PM/Platen chiller not in store area after PMAction: wipes throw in designated area and put chiller in correct area
其他您认为可被提名good catcher的同事

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