22_09_13 12 p.m. RL Project ideas, platform, style

This term you will each have five reporting assignments equivalent to 500 words each. . The topics must be suitable for journalism. 

You are also required to do a marketing report or an impact statement for your target audience

 I would like your input on the choice of platform and topics so I can design assignments that will optimize learning. Also, I may need to get approval from Jesse, for example, if we use a multimedia platform and want to do longer, more in-depth media product, instead of two smaller products. This survey is the start of a conversation. 

Name in Class    ____________
Chinese characters followed by pinyin    ____________
Which of the following platforms 
Which of the following platforms or types of media would you like to produce? (0 is don't want to, 3 is ok, 5 is most interested
Wechat 公众号 (Could include video, photo, audio, text) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Traditional Newspaper (online, not published) could include photos, text ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Text only newsletter (for a narrow specialized audience, not for mass consumption) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Text, photo and video newsletter (for a narrow specialized audience, not for mass consumption) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Multimedia platform like shorthand (up-to-date but requires learning the functions and ensuring the technology works and is under the budget of 0RMB, or requires a budget proposal.) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Video (3 min) plus text (200 words) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Other (write in the next question) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
If you have proposals for other formats, please write them here.
What topics
General news for general audience (please describe the democraphics of your preferred target general audience group, for example geographic locality, nationality, approximate age. "UIC students" and "foreigners in China" and i"nternational students planning to study in China" are examples.)    ____________
Topics for special interest audience (could be private business, leisure, sports special interest like environment, consumer safety, anti-bullying, social equity, education, parenting, government officials, employees of State-owned enterprises, science and technology)    ____________
Specific stories you would like to pursue, if you already have an idea.    ____________
The syllabus requires you to write a marketing plan for the publication. How you would promote yor work to reach the target audience. If you prefer I could ask Jesse if instead you could write a pitch for one or more news organizations that might be interested in your story, or write an impact statement about what impact you hope your work would have. Which would you prefer?
Marketing report
Story pitch for actual pubication
Impact report and reason for pursuing the story
I don't know
Prefer not to say

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