实验被试信息采集Experimental subjects information collection


Thank you for signing up for this experiment!

基础信息 Basic information
姓名 Name    ____________
性别 Gender    ____________
年龄 Age    ____________
学习汉语的时长How long have you been learning Chinese?    ____________
在中国居住的时长 How long have you been in China?    ____________
联系方式 Your contact way (电话号码/微信账号/邮箱)    ____________
HSK水平  What is your HSK rating?
HSK 1级
HSK 2级
HSK 3级
HSK 4级
HSK 5级
HSK 6级
HSK成绩(分数)HSK scores
你是否居住在上海交通大学校内?Do you live on campus of SJTU?
是的 Yes
不是 No

You have completed the basic information, and the  experimenter will contact you according to the contact information you fill in!

5题 | 被引用0次
