Teresa spends her entire budget and consumes 6 units of x and 20 units of y. The price of x is twice the price of y. Her income doubles and the price of y doubles, but the price of x stays the same. If she continues to buy 20 units of y; what is the largest number of units of x that she can afford?
Teresa thrives on two goods: mangos and melons. The cost of mangos is 30 yen each and the cost of melons is 15 yen each. If her income is 180 yen, how many mangos can she buy if she spends all of her income on mangos?
Heidi consumes goods x and y. Her indifference curves are described by the formula y =k/(x + 6). Higher values of k correspond to better indifference curves. Which of the following is true?
Mac's utility function is U (x,y) = max(2x-y , 2y-x)
Janet consumes x1 and x2 together in fixed proportions. She always consumes 2 units of x1 for every unit x2. One utility function that describes her preferences is:
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