请根据今天你在会议中的表现进行自我评估(0-5分)具体标准如下:1. 会议前清楚地知道本次会议将要讨论的内容得1分;2. 会议前认真查找相关资料、资源并上传群文件夹得1分;3. 会议中积极分享自己的观点,提出多种关于课程开展的想法得1分;4. 会议中不做与备课无关的事情得1分;5. 会议中认真倾听他人的观点,会对他们的想法提出自己的建议得1分;Please assess your peroformance during this meeting(0-5 points).1. The teacher has a clear idea of what will be discussed at the meeting will get 1 point. 2. The teacher researched for relevant materials and resources before the meeting and upload the resource to the group folders will get 1 point;<br>3. The teacher actively shares own ideas in the meeting will get 1 point; 4. The teacher does not do anything irrelevant to collaborative planning in the meeting will get 1 point; 5. The teacher listens carefully to others during the meetings will get 1 point.*