
3. 贝果的种类是否能满足您的需求?
A. 种类非常丰富,总能找到喜欢的(The variety is very rich, and I can always find the ones I like)
B. 比较丰富,基本能满足(Relatively rich, basically can meet)
C. 种类一般,希望更多选择(The variety is average, hoping for more choices)
D. 种类太少了(The variety is too few)
E. 几乎没有我想要的种类(There are almost no kinds that I want)
4. 您认为贝果的新鲜度如何?
A. 总是很新鲜(Always very fresh)
B. 比较新鲜(Relatively fresh)
C. 偶尔不太新鲜(Occasionally not so fresh)
D. 经常不新鲜(Often not fresh)
E. 几乎没有新鲜的感觉(Almost no feeling of freshness)
10. 当您有特殊要求(如定制贝果等)时,店员的响应如何?
A. 积极响应并很好地满足需求(Respond actively and meet the requirements well)
B. 能响应,但满足需求的程度一般(Can respond, but the degree of meeting the requirements is average)
C. 响应不积极,但最后还是满足了(Not respond actively, but finally still meet the requirements)
D. 不太愿意响应特殊要求(Not very willing to respond to special requirements)
E. 直接拒绝特殊要求(Directly reject special requirements)
11. 您认为BAKEGO贝果店贝果的价格如何?
A. 价格很合理,性价比高(The price is very reasonable and the cost - performance ratio is high)
B. 价格比较合理,能接受(The price is relatively reasonable and acceptable)
C. 价格一般,性价比一般(The price is average and the cost - performance ratio is average)
D. 价格有点高,性价比低(The price is a little high and the cost - performance ratio is low)
E. 价格过高,完全不值得(The price is too high and completely not worth it)
15. 您对BAKEGO贝果店有什么其他的建议或者意见吗?