Survey for CQAF 2019 Annual Meeting Topic

Welcome you to join in CQAF 2019 Annual Meeting on 24 May 2019, CQAF core team invite you to take 5 minutes to specify your expectations via the survey. See below brief introduction of topics:

*1. Your information
Your Name
Your Company
*2. For the topic: Quality Tolerance Limits(QTLs), What's your understanding of QTLs?  What would you like to learn from this session?
*3. For the topic: Data Analytics in Audit and Inspection, What's your experience? What would you like to learn from this session?
*4. For the topic: Audit in e-Source,  What's your experience? What would you like to learn from this session?
*5. What other topics would you like to be introduced or discussed in future CQAF Quarterly meeting?