2025 CBME大湾区孕婴童展意向报名

Be Part of CBME GBA: Activate Your Business Journey in China



通过注册、填写、完成表单,您同意接受Informa及其赞助商、合作伙伴、顾客提供符合您感兴趣的通信 。提交此表单表示同意隐私政策。任何问题,可致电:15306518155 (周小姐), 直接咨询洽谈。

Should you be interested in exhibiting, visiting or building partnership with us, please fill the following information so that we can contact you as soon as possible. Please feel no hesitate to write mail to stefanie.huang.cn@informa.com, if you need any further assistance.

*1. 贵司业务类别 (可多选)

Business Natures of Your Company

品牌商 Brand Owner
代理商 Brand Agnet
批发/分销  Wholesaler / Distributor
电商 E-Commerce
包装包材/原材料/生产设备 Packaging/ Machinery
其他 Others:
*2. 贵司的主营品类 (可多选)Main products or service that you provide
母婴用品 (奶嘴、洗护等日常用品) Maternal and Baby Care Products

孕婴童食品、营养品及零食 Food, Nutrition and Snacks
玩具、教育及纪念品 Toy, Study and Stationery
推车、汽座及家具 Baby Carriages, Car seats and Furniture

Baby & Kids Wear and Accessories

其他 Other Products or Services:
*3. 你想从CBME大湾区展对接的资源?What Kind of  business resources and activities that you're interested in? 



Finding Retailer/Chain Store/ Wholesaler/ Distributors


Connecting with E-commerce/ Influencers


Connecting with Cross-Border E-commerce

东南亚线上、线下渠道商资源 Southeast Asian online and offline channel resources
观展采购 Visiting the fair
展位费用咨询 Booth fee consultation
其他 Others: 
*4. 公司名称 (或品牌名称) Company Name (or Brand Name)
*5. 姓名 Full Name
*6. 职位 Job Title
*7. 手机 Mobile Phone No.
*8. 邮箱 E-mail
9. 请上传您的名片(如有,非必填)Upload picture of your business card.
10. 留言 (非必填)Leave your message here.