PhyloGenes survey: Please help us plan the future development of PhyloGenes

*1. Have you used PhyloGenes before?
*2. What is your overall research goal? What did you want PhyloGenes to help you with today? 
*3. Did you find what you needed?
*4. Which of the following are most interesting/useful to you? Please rank
*5. Please specify the 'Other' feature that you found useful to you in question #4.
*6. How did you use the tree graphs (e.g. left side of display showing branches and nodes)?
Examine evolutionary history of related genes
Examine evolutionary history of related functions
Use the topology and branch length to help me identify top candidate orthologs, especially when there are many candidates
Predict the function of my gene from the functions of its homologs/orthologs based on the tree topology
Download the tree file to view or edit with another software package
I didn't use the tree graph, it was not important for what I was doing today
Other (please specify)
*7. Please rate the ease of use of PhyloGenes (1 star=most difficult, 5 star=easiest)
*8. What data or features could we add that would make PhyloGenes a tool you use frequently?
*9. Which plant species are you most interested in?
*10. Would you like to be notified of future PhyloGenes releases and webinars? If so, please provide your name and email address.