中国企业管理控制网上平台线上联系表 | Online Contact Form of China Controlling Online Community
Thank you for your interest in our community! Please read our Privacy Notes before you fill in this form. 感谢您对我们网上平台的兴趣! 请在填写递交本表前阅读我方隐私声明。
*1. Please note that your data will be stored and used by the organizer of community events for providing services to you, and that your data could be shared with the co-operation partners of the organiser for some joint events. If you don't agree with this practice, this process will be terminated. | 请注意平台活动组织方将储存和使用您的个人数据以便为您提供服务, 并在组织某些共同的活动时与其合作方分享您的数据。 如果您不同意平台组织方的这些做法, 下一步流程将终止。
I agree | 我同意
I do not agree | 我不同意
Your Data 您的信息
*2. Your Name in English 英文姓名
(如果您没有英文姓名,请您填入您的中文姓名的拼音。| If you don't have English name, you can put in your Chinese name in Pinying.)
*3. Your Name in Chinese 中文姓名
(如果您没有中文姓名,请您重复填入您的英文姓名。| If you don't have Chinese name, you can repeat your English name here.)
*4. English Company Name 英文公司名称
(如果贵公司没有英文名称,请您填入贵司中文名称。| If you don't have English company name, you can put in your company name in Chinese.)
*5. Chinese Company Name 中文公司名称
(如果贵公司没有中文名称,请您填入贵司英文名称。| If you don't have Chinese company name, you can put in your company name in English.)
*6. Department 部门
*7. Department 部门
*8. Position 职位
*9. Company Address 公司地址
*10. City or Province 城市或省份名
11. Postal Code 邮编号码
*12. Country 国家
*13. E-Mail 电子邮箱
14. Mobile No. 手机号码
*15. Office Phone No. 公司固话
(Alternatively you can put in your mobile phone number for future fast-track communication | 您也可以填入您的手机号码以便今后快速沟通。)